A list of NWO rabbit holes

The UN’s agenda is being implemented through a seemingly infinite number of organizations that most people have never heard of, which makes researching the NWO difficult. So, here’s a list of some sites and terms that will lead to more sites and terms. The websites almost always include links to official literature and to other organizations.

I started down the rabbit hole while looking for links between Common Core and the UN. Here is the website for the International Institute for Educational Planning. It’s part of UNESCO, which is “building peace in the minds of men and women.” Do the rest of us call that brainwashing?

Education For All (EFA) movement.

UNESCO Word Heritage Center. That’s the arm of the UN that’s taking over our national parks (and everything else). See, also, their page “Protecting Our Heritage and Fostering Creativity.” And this list of U.S. parks under UN control.

USAID. The United States Agency for International Development, created in 1961 by JFK’s executive order. “U.S. Aid”, isn’t that clever? It’s the U.S. government giving money to other nations. Rajiv Shah, its current administrator, used to work for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, at one time managing its vaccine fund. Before that, he was the health care policy advisor for Al Gore.

USAID includes the Office of Innovation and Development Alliances (IDEA). IDEA includes Development Innovation Venture (IDEA/DIV), Global Partnerships (IDEA/GP), Local Sustainability (IDEA/LS), and Mobile Solutions (IDEA/MS). The last two are particularly interesting. The local sustainability page speaks of the UN’s partnerships with NGOs or non-governmental organizations and mobile solutions speaks of the goal of everyone in the world having access to the Internet and electronic currency. Imagine more people with the ability to buy stuff over the Internet. See, also, the Better Than Cash Alliance and the Global Broadband Initiative.

Also part of USAID, the Limited Excess Property Program (LEPP). “An average of 30 million dollars’ worth of United States Government (USG) excess property is transferred annually.”

Actually, USAID has its tentacles into everything, just as USESCO. University Engagement, LAUNCH, Grand Challenges for Development, and All Children Reading, to name just a few.

Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action. Some guiding principles for donor countries.

U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants, “a complete historical record of all foreign assistance provided by the United States to the rest of the world.”

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), “Know the Earth…Show the Way…Understand the World.” Also used are the acronyms GEOINT (GEOspatial INTelligence) and GSI. See NGA Strategy 2013-2017 and the PDF “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense.” On page 6, “U.S. forces will no longer be sized to conduct large-scale, prolonged stability operations.”

Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE). “Perpetual economic growth is neither possible nor desirable. Growth, especially in wealthy nations, is already causing more problems than it solves.”

Electronic Rulemaking. NO FEAR Act. The NWO is committed to making people believe they are involved in the governing process. For example, in 2011 at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Hilary Clinton announced that the U.S. had become part of the International Aid and Transparency Initiative (IATI).

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

The World Bank, “Working for a world free of poverty.” Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). “Empowered Lives. Resilient Nations.”

International Court of Justice. International Court of Justice

The Green Climate Fund (GCF). Also, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which outlines how they’ll handle the finances for their projects. In reality, it’s a plan to redistribute wealth.

The 19-page report, “A life of dignity for all: accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015.”

The 58-page report, “Realizing the Future We Want For All.” “UN task team on the post-2015 UN development agenda.”

Architects of a Better World. Interesting to see who they are and what they’re discussing.

EC-ESA Plus Members. Long list of members involved in the “sustainable development knowledge platform.”

Beyond 2015: Stakeholders’ Positions. Links to official positions. “Campaigning for a global development framework after the Millennium Development Goals.”

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). “We shape international IP rules for a changing world.

Some NGOs: Sustainia. Realdania. R20 (Regions 20), “The R20-Regions of Climate Action is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and other global leaders in cooperation with the United Nations.”

The Global Compact. It’s under the UN Procurement Division. “The Global Compact asks companies to embrace universal principles and to partner with the United Nations. It has grown to become a critical platform for the UN to engage effectively with enlightened global business.

That’s enough to get started on a trail that leads to never-ending organizations helping to plan and implement the new world order. It’s everywhere and the entire world is more involved than most people realize.

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